Rezultati pretrage

Rezultati pretrage

  1. stupified

    Radari u Sarajevu i dalje

    Nije dzabe, read the specs. Its got it all, sve do laser detektora, 12 band i sve....its a european standards brought from the US. I radi dobro.
  2. stupified

    Mala help

    Evo ti....right click the mouse - click on the: click here to download.....and save it on ur that for each song[hr] No no, on trazi naj nov album 2009....its called I right??? [hr] No no, on trazi naj...
  3. stupified

    Mala help

    Ne znam, ja imam dvije pjesem od tog albuma.
  4. stupified

    Radari u Sarajevu i dalje

    I have this radar detector: It serves me perfect....i have not gotten any tickets ever since i've bought it!:icon_wink:
  5. stupified

    gdje vi zivite

    NOVI CLANOVI FORUMA S postovanjem Molimo sve nove clanove da kada im se odobri registracija na forum ucine slijedece: 3. popunjavanje profila : datum rodjenja i lokacija :lol::lol::lol:
  6. stupified


    :icon_cool: Hvala svima
  7. stupified

    ajjj ubio sam se

  8. stupified

    ajjj ubio sam se

    Glad you are come and should've kicked the tractor driver in his nuts....I did that one time, when this guy hit me from the back and broke his headlight against the rear bump because he didnt stop at the stop sign. He started shouting like crazy at his own fault and...
  9. stupified

    Sretan Rodzendan Daki!!

    Srecan ti rodjendan!
  10. stupified


    E pa, nekako treba da ucim....pomalo na auto moto, po malo sa jezikom, i posle radicu ko prevodilac na bosanski albanski engleski i sta god, mehanicarka, jer mi i to ide po ruke.
  11. stupified

    Kosovo Speed Racers

    While I was shooting the video, I had not noticed that the sound was turned off in the camera, so I had to add the music on instead of playing it in mute. :icon_cry: Other than that, the original sound would have been much better, especially on Honda (first place)...:icon_biggrin: Izvinjavam...
  12. stupified

    Golf s-paket

    Wow.....the engine....:icon_cool:
  13. stupified

    Peticija za Bebu P. !

    [/i]Bilosto, imas mene na ovu stranu :lol::icon_cool::icon_cool:
  14. stupified


    Drago mi je... Auto-moto hobby has nothing to do with the gender...samo se pitam.:icon_biggrin:
  15. stupified

    Kosovo Speed Racers

    13 Oktobar 2008, Pristina Kosovo - Grastica -Stallovo <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  16. stupified


    Ajt dok se razbiramo necet imati problemi...svaki zna svoja ti je Bivsa Yugoslavia...Tito nije bio pricamo svoj jezik, pa se svi razumijemo...kad ne znam ce cutim...ili ce pisam na engleski....i bice dobro i na MORE hahaha...kakvo more Pada Snijeg...JOKE
  17. stupified

    Peticija za Bebu P. !

    :icon_eek: Ovo je Off Topic Thread. Za sad si mal da komentiras za tudje dece, cekaj dok imas tvoji...ljudi ponekad kad se potvrdu da se ponasaju ko da su vrlo pametni, na kraju izadju naj budalle...Misli mnogo, pricaj malo.
  18. stupified


  19. stupified

    Program za pravljenje muzz

    MusicMagic Mixer(TM) Fruity Loops
  20. stupified


    Hvala ti puno, pa i ja se mucim po malo i bice dobro. :icon_smile: