ovo morate videti.. hahah

ovo morate videti.. hahah

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
That beast is like a mixture of Rosanne Barr, Rocky from Mask and Sylvester Stallone.

znaci na ovaj komentar sam pao sa stolice hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
oo spasitelju sta je ovo slonicu nelicu ozenio hahha a vidju mu glave ko da je ispo na nju kad se rodio djes bola sa ovim u krevet mene bi bila frka u istoj ulici spavat sta da se ovolika prevrne na njega u snu hahha
ovaj meni komentar prejak

Brave brave man. Not only do you wake up beside that every day but you also see her naked. Charging an enemy position will be a walk in the park compared to that. Hell, I damn sure would face an entire army before I would go to bed with "your blushing bride"


ili, kratko, jasno:

wand dissaproves and mayhem is shocked

The_Dag je napisao(la):
Pa dobro,svako ima suđenu...pa sad...no comment :icon_confused:

Potpis ali brate slatki u sto je gledo.:icon_confused:
Izgleda da je predugo bio izlozen bojnim otrovima :lol::lol::lol:

Al stas neka im je sa srecom ;)
ovo sam davno pratio malo hah,ne zna se jel gori killer mladozenja sto samo slike slaze ili ove dr budale sto ga prcaju hahahahah
Ha ha. All the dudes on the groom's side look like they are about to be sick. Not like the groom was gonna catch anything special, but c'mon. That beast is like a mixture of Rosanne Barr, Rocky from Mask and Sylvester Stallone. What a wonderful life those two shitbags must have. Jesus, if they have children they should be prosecuted for child abuse b/c no child should be subject to them being their parent. Fuckin kid should strangle itself with the umbilical cord to end the misery ASAP.

:lol::lol::lol: ovaj je najjaci:lol:

p.s ovo je ba zajebancija...
Jeste zajebancija,mislim garant je lazno predstavljane ovog lika sa foruma,nije sigurno to on,nego se nako zajebava na forumu,ubija vrijeme jel,ali slike su ocito prave,dakle ima neka budala koja je ozenila ovO.Mislim boze me oprosti,ne bih da se rugam,al ova je stvarno strasan,em je jadna ruzna ko smrt,nekakvu deformiranu facu,em je debela u pm,ima 200 kila sigurno.Tuzno ...

I've listened to atheist arguments from nearly every source; from Richard Dawkins to Penn Jillette to my college roommate. This is best evidence I've ever seen for the absence of a God.


EDIT: E jbg,ako je ovo stvarno onda ... u ku*ac krasan

Pita ga cojek kako je izgubio nevinost,pa objasnjava mu lik

Well, after the wedding we went to the Motel 6 (we live in a small town, thats all there was)
and it was on. We quickly undressed and got right down to business. I had to be careful, as she was a virgin and it was quite painful for her. I managed to get in there after a few minutes of trying. I only lasted about 2 minutes, but it was amazing. The best part was when we both orgasmed at the same time. I cried for a little while afterward, it was just so beautiful.

BOZEEEEEE! :icon_question: :lol:

I jos nesto,skocim na zadnju stranicu da vidim jel se skontalo istina ili laz,kad pise da je dosad ovaj thread pregledalo 7,5 miliona ljudi,jooooj koliko su tu admini foruma zaradili :D
Vec poslije nekih 10tak stranica ga je lik skuzio...prvo rek'o da ocekuju dijete pa kasnije da su prvi put spavali zajedno...i pizna on da je znao da ce ga to otkrit...neki tupko nema pametnijeg posla...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.