Pach za NFS Underground 1 ili 2

Pach za NFS Underground 1 ili 2

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Zuka_GT je napisao(la):
Znali neko imali gdje kakaw pach za Nfs underground 1 ili 2 da se skine da imaju npr nowa auta ili nesh tako
u opisu ti je šta sve dođe
oko 30 novih auta novi tuning djelovi(performance i vizuelni) , staze....
nemorate ukucavati nikakve čitove to ionako većinom ne radi u karjeri imate trainere,što se tiče djelova znam da se mogu praviti naljepnice i vinili i mogu se dodati neki djelovi kad naćem staviću link

evo traineri
d1x1 je napisao(la):
Zuka_GT je napisao(la):
Znali neko imali gdje kakaw pach za Nfs underground 1 ili 2 da se skine da imaju npr nowa auta ili nesh tako
u opisu ti je šta sve dođe
oko 30 novih auta novi tuning djelovi(performance i vizuelni) , staze....

jeli za nfsu1 ili 2
HONDA POWERR je napisao(la):
trozic mozes li reci kako se koriste ova cuda sto sam skinuo

ekstratuj jedan taj trainer naprimjer taj piza trainer i pokreni ga nađi šta sve nudi koje su prečice naprimjer F5 za pare i sl. zatim pokreni igru kad počneš voziti auto pritisneš F5 i dobiješ pare :cool:
F5 je samo primjer
Need for Speed - Underground 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Haspa
Update by: Black Hawk
Update by:Minhaz Abdeen

NOTE: These are the main codes for Need for Speed: Underground 2 that are
usually applied by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console.
Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

Enter one of the following codes before pressing [Enter] to get into the
main menu to activate the cheat function:

Code                Result
opendoors         - The Doors sponsor car
yodogg            - Snoop Dogg sponsor car
wannacapone       - Capone sponsor car
shinestreetbright - ShinestStreet sponsor car
wintmyd3          - D3 sponsor car
davidchoeart      - David Choe sponsor car
tunejapantuning   - Japantuning sponsor car
gimmechingy       - Chingy Navigator sponsor car
needmybestbuy     - Best Buy vinyl in Career mode
goforoldspice     - OldSpice vinyl in Career mode
gottahavebk       - BurgerKing vinyl in Career mode
gotmycingular     - Cingular vinyl in Career mode
gottaedge         - Edge vinyl in Career mode
needperformance1  - Unlock performance parts level 1
needperformance2  - Unlock performance parts level 2
gimmevisual1      - Unlock visuals level 1
gimmevisual2      - Unlock visuals level 2
ordermebaby       - $1,000 in Career mode, RX-8 and Skyline in quick race mode
regmybank         - $200 in Career mode
regmebaby         - $20,000 in Career mode
Trozic je napisao(la):
Need for Speed - Underground 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Haspa
Update by: Black Hawk
Update by:Minhaz Abdeen

NOTE: These are the main codes for Need for Speed: Underground 2 that are
usually applied by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console.
Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

Enter one of the following codes before pressing [Enter] to get into the
main menu to activate the cheat function:

kad uđeš u igru kad bude pisalo ENTER ti unesi šifru ,znači nemoj stiskati enter prvo šifra
ovd ima nekih patcheva
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.