Press and hold the AS button and it should then bring up the number of attempts left (so mine said 7 SAFE, for example) but wont let you enter the code straight away. Leave the ignition on and eventually (10 minutes for me or thereabouts) the SAFE will be replaced by ---- and you can enter your code.
OK, this is the way the radio coding works.
You have 10 attempts to get the code in. However some models will not give you the number of attempts remaining!
Time delays work as follows:
Attempt 1. 10 seconds
Attemp 2. 30 seconds.
Attempt 3. 10 minutes.
Attempt 4. 20 minutes
Attempt 5. 40 minutes
Attempt 6. 80 minutes
Attempt 7 160 minutes
Attempt 8 320 minutes
Attempt 9. 640 minutes (yes that is 10 hours 40 minutes!!)
Vitally important thing to remember, the countdown timer works only when the radio is switched on. ANY interruption in the power will reset the timer!
So, be prepared for a VERY long wait to be able to enter the code!
Oh, and if it has reached 10 attempts, then it needs a dealer unlock.
a evo sta je neki lik napisao
When the radio is on saying "SAFE", i pressed the AS and turned the radio off and on (while keeping the AS pressed )
it came back on saying "10 - SAFE" I pressed the AS again and was able to enter my code
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a za ponistavanje ovih pokusaja koliko sam ja uspio skontati, tj da bi smanjio vrijeme pokusaja, pritisnes FM/UML + 1 or 4 + POWER
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