K&N Filter

K&N Filter

Originalni ili?
To ti je filter sa boljim protokom vazduha ali bez remapa i sl ne dobijas skoro nista. Neko stavi filter gljivu preblizu motoru i vuce vruc vazduh i samo gubis sa tim.
Iato sranje kao i svi ostali samo sto je taj markiran pa placas K&N natpis... Imas na yt gdje su test radili izmedju najeftinijeg, fabrickog i najskupljeg K&N, na valjke auto i na wvim filterima je auto imalo istu snagu. Da neko ne kaze ovaj bolje ovaj losije zaustavlja prqsinu i to su price za malu djecu jer fabricki je jeftiniji 10-15 puta pa radi svoj posao i najjeftinije pecurke sam imao, iz vana budu prljave prasnjwve a kad je skinem da je perem, ona unutra crvena i cista sto znaci da radi svoju funkciju i zaustavlja prasinu...
Mah sve je to druze isto samo k&n ti je najskuplja verzija filtera, a i obicni i najjeftiniji i k&n rade istu funkciju i rade je jednako, a to je da zaustwve necistoce i prasinu da udju u motor. Samo ga operi ako je zaprljan, osusi i naspricaj tekucinom onom, nozes i lagano uljem, ta tekucina sluzi tome da jos bolje zaustavlja prasinu, ne susi se i ostaje na filteru, ''ljepljiva'' i prwsina se hvata na nju, slicno kao i na ulje...
s tim da je sigurno samo nakacen umjesto orginalne kutije za filter zraka pa sad gura topliji zrak nego originalni filter :D
Ako znaš engleski pročitaj.

Just some UFI about air filters. Take note of the K&N ranking in the first and last test (basically how well the filter does its primary job, to filter the air). They are although ranked #1 for the least amount of flow restriction, if that's what your after.

The following data is provided by Testand Corp. in Rhode Island. Testand makes the $285,000 machines that perform the SAE J726/ISO 5011 air filter test standard. Any air filter that wants to be tested for performance and efficiency uses this test. These tests cost $1,700 per filter when done by an independent laboratory. Testand Corp. was interested in the comparison study and agreed to do the study for us.

Every filter listed was tested in an identical manner according to the SAE/ISO test standard; Here are the results:

In the order of EFFICIENCY (ability to filter dirt) the results are as follows:


AC Delco OE 99.93%
Baldwin paper 99.72%
No name pargain paper 99.32%
AFE Pro Guard 7 panel filter 99.23%
WIX/Napa Gold 99.03%
Purolator paper 98.73%
Amsoil, new style 98.63%
UNI 97.93%
K&N 96.80%

FLOW RESTRICTION from best to worst. Remember, 27.7 inches of water = 1 psi. So, 1 inch of water = .036 psi. The worst (AC Delco) at 6.23 in. water and the best (K&N) at 4.54 in. water is a difference of 1.69 in. of water or a "whopping" .0608 psi. Virtually negligible.

In order from least restricive to most:

FILTER RESTRICTION in inches of water

K&N 4.54
Mystery bargain 4.78
AFE Pro Guard 4.99
Purolator 5.05
WIX/Napa Gold 5.06
UNI 5.40
Baldwin 5.71
Amsoil 5.88
AC Delco 6.23

DIRT HOLDING CAPACITY. From best to worst. This is the AMOUNT of test dirt it took to create an ADDITIONAL 10 inches of restriction. At that point the test is terminated. This is an indication of HOW LONG a filter is good before it must be cleaned or replaced.

FILTER Dirt Holding Capacity

AC Delco 573.898 grams
WIX/Napa Gold 447.366 g
Purolator 388.659 g
Baldwin 388.154 g
UNI 374.638 g
Mystery bargain 350.402 g
AFE Pro Guard 7 232.516 g
K&N 211.580 g
Amsoil 196.323 g

TOTAL DIRT PASSING THE FILTER DURING THE TEST. This is how much dirt your engine will take in if you use the filter for the duration that would cause the filter to become "dirty" enough to need replacement or cleaning. The "Dirt Passing The Filter" is the dirt collected by the "POST FILTER" during the SAE/ISO test.

In order from best to worst, the filters performed as follows:


AC Delco 0.4g
Baldwin 1.1g
AFE Pro Guard 7 1.8g
Mystery bargain 2.4g
Amsoil 2.7g
WIX/Napa Gold 4.4g
Purolator 5.0g
K&N 6.0g
UNI 7.9g
citao sam , zelio staviti kn filter . uvijek kazem nisam automehanicar al znam sta sam procitao i ispravit me ako grijesim kn filter imas smisla samo ukoliko je remap i rađen tj tad moze doci do izrazaja. Do izražaja znaci dobit ces 3-5 ks u najboljem slučaju