Ford GT90

Ford GT90

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ford GT90 was a concept car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company. It was unveiled in January 1995 at the Detroit Auto Show as "the world's mightiest supercar". Claimed performance included a top speed 253 mph (409 km/h) from a 720 hp (537 kW) quad-turbocharged V12 engine, the exhaust of which was claimed to be hot enough to damage the body panels, requiring ceramic tiles similar to those on the space shuttle to prevent this.

The mid-engined car was a spiritual successor to the Ford GT40, taking from it some styling cues, such as doors that cut into the roofline, but little else. All angles and glass, the Ford GT90 was the first Ford to display the company's "New Edge" design philosophy. The GT90 was built around a honeycomb-section aluminum monocoque and its body panels were moulded from carbon fiber.

The GT90 was built by a small team in just over six months and, as a result, borrowed many components from another high profile stablemate—the Jaguar XJ220. The all-round double wishbone suspension and the five-speed manual gearbox came from the Jaguar, while the engine was from another member of the Ford family.

The GT90's 48-valve V12 was a six-litre engine which, if Ford had ever produced it in volume, might have produced up to 720 hp (537 kW), thanks to four Garrett Systems T2 turbochargers. The engine was based on the Ford Modular engine. Two Lincoln V8 engines each had portions removed, namely the last pair of cylinders from the rear of one engine and the first pair of cylinders from the front of the other engine and the cut down engines were welded together. In total, this yielded a 90-degree V12, with 90.2 mm bore and 77.3 mm stroke.

It is one of the cars that can be driven in the game Need for Speed II. It is also available to drive in Gran Turismo 2, Sega GT 2002, Ford Racing, Ford Racing 2, Ford Racing 3, Ford Street Racing, Project Gotham Racing 3, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, TOCA Race Driver 2, and Ford vs. Chevy.

Jacques Nasser, then a Ford executive and eventually CEO, was very proud of the car, and kept a model of it on his desk, as seen in a documentary on the U.K. television network Channel 4 on the Firestone tire incidents.

In the Top Gear episode first broadcast on October 26th 2003, Jeremy Clarkson stated "I actually drove this and it was horrid. It had a top speed of 40 (mph) and it handled like it was in a cartoon".
heh gledaj ti sile 1995-te napravili auto v12 i 4 turbopunjaca :lol::lol::lol::lol:
auto zbog prevelike potrosnje od oko 90 litara nikad nije uspio uc u serijsku proizvodnju,pa je i do dan danas jedan od najljepsih Concept automobila ;)

Vozio sam ga na Need for Speed 2 haha :D :D
dobar je
Nelle_G je napisao(la):
heh gledaj ti sile 1995-te napravili auto v12 i 4 turbopunjaca :lol::lol::lol::lol:
auto zbog prevelike potrosnje od oko 90 litara nikad nije uspio uc u serijsku proizvodnju,pa je i do dan danas jedan od najljepsih Concept automobila ;)

Vozio sam ga na Need for Speed 2 haha :D :D
dobar je

i ja majke mi:lol::lol:
fino ide:D
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ford GT90 je koncept automobil proizveden od strane Ford Motor Company. Bilo je unveiled u siječnju 1995 na Detroit Auto Show kao "svjetski mightiest supercar". Zatražio vrhunske performanse uključeno speed 253 mph (409 km / h) od 720 KS (537 kW) quad-turbinom V12 motora, od kojih je ispušna cijev bila je tvrdio da bude dovoljno vruće da se oštetiti tijelo panela, zahtijevajući keramičke pločice slične onima na spejs šatl da spriječe to.

Sredinom motora automobil je bio duhovni nasljednik na Ford GT40, uzimajući iz njega neki styling cues, kao vrata da rez u roofline, ali malo drukčije. Svi kuteva i staklo, za Ford GT90 Ford je bio prvi za prikaz tvrtke "New Edge" filozofije dizajna. GT90 je sagrađena oko saća-section monocoque aluminija i njegovih tijela moulded panela su od karbonskih vlakana.

GT90 je sagrađena po malo nad tim u samo šest mjeseci, a kao rezultat toga, mnogi dijelovi posuđene iz nekog drugog visok profil stablemate-the Jaguar XJ220. The all-round dvokrevetna jadac suspenzija i pet brzina ručnog mjenjača došla iz Jaguar, a motor je bio iz drugog člana obitelji u Ford.

The GT90's 48-ventil V12 je šest-litra motor koji, ako je Ford ikada proizvedenih u volumen, možda proizvedenih do 720 KS (537 kW), hvala na četiri Garrett Systems T2 turbochargers. Motor je bio baziran na Ford Modularni motor. Lincoln dva V8 motora, svaki je imao dijelove uklonjen, naime, posljednjih par cilindara od straga jedan motor i prvi par cilindara sprijeda na motoru i drugim slomit motori su zavarena zajedno. Ukupno, ove dala 90-stupanjska V12, rodila sa 90,2 mm i 77,3 mm stroke.

To je jedan od automobila koji mogu biti prognani u igri Potreba za Brzo II. Također je dostupna u pogon Gran Turismo 2, Sega GT 2002, Ford Racing, Ford Racing 2, Ford Racing 3, Ford Street Racing, Project Gotham Racing 3, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, TOCA Race Driver 2 i Ford vs . hajka.

Jacques Nasser, a zatim i Ford izvršnog direktora i na kraju, bio je vrlo ponosan na automobilu, te je zadržao model mu je na stolu, kao što se vidi na dokumentarac o Velikoj Britaniji televizijskih mreža Channel 4 na Firestone pneumatik incidenata.

U prvi Top Gear epizoda emitirati na 26. listopad 2003, Jeremy Clarkson je izjavio: "Ja ovo krdo stvari i to je bio strašan. To je top speed of 40 (mph) i to kao da je postupati u cartoon".
e bulex,jesi i preveo,svaka cast:lol:
probaj s drugi translatorom il stavljaj na engleskom:cool:

u igri Potreba za Brzo II.
(need for speed):lol::lol::lol:
edoze je napisao(la):
e bulex,jesi i preveo,svaka cast:lol:
probaj s drugi translatorom il stavljaj na engleskom:cool:

u igri Potreba za Brzo II.
(need for speed):lol::lol::lol:

"Ja ovo krdo stvari i to je bio strašan. To je top speed of 40 (mph) i to kao da je postupati u cartoon".

Valjda nije bilo interesa za proizvodnjom, mala usporedba iste godine je predstavljen Ferrari F50 samo je bio zasjenjen ovim Fordom na svakome sajmu, Ferrari je ima istu kubikazu i broj cilindara samo 200 konjića manje.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.