Ford Fiesta Sedan

Ford Fiesta Sedan

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Nekako mi se cini da su tockovi premali za ovu sedan verziju, a i zadnji kraj mi nije necemu... Vidjet cemo kad ga izbace kakav ce biti, mada sam isto i za Mondea mislio ;)
Kako je model prije Fieste ljepsi bio, ovo je grdno samo tako, fuj fuj...
Malo je rec da je ruzan :icon_arrow:

Prvo gledaj ova prednja svjetla, izgledaju duga skoro kao hauba. No sprijeda je jos i super, s boka kao napuhan balon izgleda, a nazad je strasan. Htjeli su da lici na Mondea, i da ima veliki gepek, pa razvuci, potegni i nastade nesto...
0g1 je napisao(la):
isto kuca na tockovima od djeciji kolica

Comments is a good move from ford..china is one big market...this size of car will sell like hot cake in asia, i hope this can save ford

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by phobos | November 18, 2008 2:25 PM
Not bad, I wonder if this will be part of the ASEAN Ford Fiesta range... I think the USDM Fiesta sedan will also look like this, but with a bigger upper grill.

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by AG4 | November 18, 2008 2:50 PM
If a Fiesta and Mondeo ever got together their babies would look like this :)


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by BritBoy | November 18, 2008 3:23 PM
tiny sedans are huge sellers also here in south america, where european citycars like the corsa, the polo, the 207, the clio and even the current fiesta. they all look like crap, true, but at least can manage to carry around brazilian families and their needs for a pretty small price. a nice looking ford like that would help the brand getting closer to the top 3 - in brazil, chevy, fiat and volkswagen. the new fiesta sedan - dont know if the exact same model as the chinese one - is due to arrive here only in 2010/11. maybe a little too late, but let's see what the competition will have done up to then.

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by politz | November 18, 2008 3:40 PM
Eww, looks like a Fiesta hatch with a wedge.

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by Tuner_Mad | November 18, 2008 6:33 PM
Sreca da je ovo namijenjeno za kinesko trziste (zakljucujem po slovima na tablicama) pa necemo morati muciti svoje oci gledaju ovo na ulica...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.