Dobivena Cudna poruka za moj oglas :D

Dobivena Cudna poruka za moj oglas :D

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Stavio sam audi svoj na oglas na
I nakon dva dana dodje mi poruka od nekog Jamesa,pa mi nije nista jasno pa procitajte i prevedite ko zna,ja sam malo sta skuzio.. :D

I want inform you that i will buy the car at the price you listed it, however i have a proposal i will like to pay from.

I am Spc. James Webster of the 1ST Battalion, 75th Regiment, currently Deployed in Afghanistan, after two previous Deployment in Iraq.

Based on the United States plans to gradually withdraw troops from Afghanistan, in support of The U.S.-led coalition plans to formally hand over security responsibilities to the Afghan army and police by 2014, I have been Approved for withdrawal to come and work in your country soon and need a car for myself, The mission is to work with your countries finest military experts to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism.

This circumstance have orchestrated this proposal and I will explain in details upon your acceptance,

I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of 16.2 million Dollars which i got from a crude Oil deal here. I deposited this money with a Red Cross officer informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the fund. but It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money.

I wish to use this money for charity purposes in Turkey, where we have high number of refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war. you need to visit such places.I am not forgetting the displaced in India.

I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to support this refugees because based on my experience on battle ground in this places, they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing this terrorist to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms illegally from Russia and China it is better channeled to saving the world.

I cannot move this money to the United States because I am a uniformed personnel and i cannot be parading such an amount, so i need to present someone as the beneficiary, someone I could trust to move the funds in his names as the Beneficiary to Europe.

As an American and a Specialist officer I have a 100% authentic means of moving the funds out through diplomatic means. All I just need is your acceptance for this to be done.

if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site where I can be sure that the person is real and i believe I can trust you.

For now we can only communicate through our military communication a facility which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails, I can explain in details to you because calls might be monitored and I just have to be sure of whom I am dealing with. I can only call you when I am out of our military network.

If you are interested please inform me and I will give you more details. I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3 days I will then search for someone else.

I am doing this on trust, you should understand and you should know that as a trained military expert I will always play safe in case you are the bad type, but I pray you are not. 16.2 million Dollars is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone.

I await for your acceptance so that we can go on, In less than 14 working days this should be successfully finalized and i will give you 30% of the sum, while 70% will be kept for my charity plans.

I hope i am been fair on this deal.


Spc. James Webster
Posalji ga u mother pussy i zaobidji ovu poruku :lol:

citao sam ovo i prije bas ovdje na forumu cini mi se, neki je oblik prevare ili nesto tako ;)
Ma nista vidjecu da odem da uplatim sta... Hahha... Cim sam otvorio poruku kad sam vidio tekst,rekoh sta je ovo sunce mu jeebem :D
ma cim je kamara teksta, ne moze to biti nista normalno. ili je psiha neka lik ili je prevara. a kako god okrenes, ne moze valjat :D
Ti mislio daleki rodjak iz Afganistana ti ostavlja neko nasljedstvo :D

Ma nis samo ti to obrisi dolaze stalno te neke gluposti na mailove :icon_rolleyes:
Iskuliraj to ja dobijam vec dvije poruke na nekretninu od nekog seika i nekog vojnika koji imaju milione bla bla bla :D
adi187 je napisao(la):
Ti mislio daleki rodjak iz Afganistana ti ostavlja neko nasljedstvo :D

Ma nis samo ti to obrisi dolaze stalno te neke gluposti na mailove :icon_rolleyes:

e ovo je nest upravo oko nasljedstva ovakav iznos isti bio kao dosla poruka .... uglavnom spam :spam:
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.