World’s ugliest Mercedes McLaren SLR found!

World’s ugliest Mercedes McLaren SLR found!

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If you thought that ASMA Design Perfectus SLR is the ugliest tuned SLR, then we have news. There is a modified SLR called Red Gold Dream McLaren SLR 999 that is by far uglier than the Perfectus SLR.

Sure it has impressive numbers, as the engine pumps out 1000 horsepower. But who cares as the car looks just so wrong from every angle.

This Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 999 Red Gold Dream is done by a Swiss designer Ueli Anliker. He claims that over 30,000 man hours and about $4.4 million were spent to complete this 24h gold SLR.

Now when the SLR production is almost over we do hope that such “tuners” don’t get near another SLR. To be honest we would not want to see Mr. Ueli Anliker near any car.

Vernes ce da se ubije :D
BHT Ovisnik
fuj :smajli29::smajli29::smajli29::smajli29: mislim da ga je netko vec jednom bio predstavljao,uglavnom je ulozena bruka novca
Gledao sam i ja nedavno slike ovog SLRa i meni se ne svidja nikako ali jbg svako ima svoj "đir" :icon_mad:
eis su ga nagrdili, ne zna se ko je grdniji, merc ili ona cura na prvoj slici:icon_mad:
ili je ovo "hot cars need no hot girls" princip:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.