VIDEO : test novog BMW-a M5 na Nirburgringu

VIDEO : test novog BMW-a M5 na Nirburgringu

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jednom ka dodvezes ovu stazu promjenit ces misljenje..

poslusaj samo skripu guma na M5...
Bi-turbo Bi-turbo haha, konačno se i oni dozvali pameti :) ovo će da bude zloća:icon_twisted:


Spor ili brz , svejedno je , ne znam da li je motor gotov ili koriste "stari" V10 , ovo je vjerovatno skupljanje podataka od ovjesa , mjenjaca i ostalih komponenti koje ce inzinjeri koristiti za daljnje unapreedjivanje na finalnom proizvodu . Ne znam da li ste primjetili ali na ovim stazama u fazi finalizacije koriste ( uvijek ) referentno vozilo kao ovdje npr . GTR-a ( cisto sumnjam da je neki free rider ) koji ga tjera na vise rizika i rolanja u krivini .

Da ne duljim dalje , ovo ce da bude real killer za AMG i RS kompaniju :cool:
m5 je uvijek bio vrh u toj klasi, pa će vjerojatno i novi bit takav, jedva čekam sredinu 2010. da ga vidim na djelu u punom izdanju, barem na youtube-u :icon_smile:
Porschefan je napisao(la):
m5 je uvijek bio vrh u toj klasi, pa će vjerojatno i novi bit takav, jedva čekam sredinu 2010. da ga vidim na djelu u punom izdanju, barem na youtube-u :icon_smile:

Netočno, uvijek je na vrhu onaj koji je noviji i aktuelniji, RS6 već dvije godine trži tron, ja sam uvijeren da će ga novi M5 F10 skinuti sa prijestolja, tako to ide i tako to treba da bude, onda će M5 vladati 2 god, dok nedođe novi RS6 i opet sve u krug.... Evo za BMW fanove neke informacije koje su procurile iz tvornice:;

Big news is active Aero, even has flaps that alter the wind turbulence around the wheels
Also claimed is the fact that BMW are still considering two compact 50bhp supercapacitors mounted either side of the drive shaft for an on demand 10 sec 100bhp boost (I guess kers)

this is inside info from a BMW employee who's posting as SCOTT27 over another car-forum

His infos should be taken with a grain of salt, but he usually points the community into the right direction and is providing insights way before product introduction.

His original post:
Originally Posted by SCOTT27
M Division : The Road Ahead

New World Order - The New BMW M5.

Whilst it's true that the M Division has come in for quite a few comments regarding current product or lets not beat about the bush The BMW X5 M and BMW X6 M. Identified as the "next Chapter" in M. Derided by enthusiasts and journalists alike. Has the M Division lost it? Has the M Division lost it's focus? Does M stand for marketing now?
Does the M philosophy no longer remain pertinent?

Are some of the comments.

The Pinnacle of Efficient Dynamics.

With the creation of BMW Efficient Dynamics. Technology aimed at reducing fuel consumption without sacrificing driving pleasure and carbon dioxide emissions spreading throughout the BMW portfolio. One question remained unanswered how will the M Division benefit ? And how will the M division remain relevant in the long term?

BMW M Division will become the pinacle of Efficient Dynamics. Welcome to the Brave New World of Performance.

Lightweight construction.

BMW M cars will now seperate themselves from the core cars by utilising the same platform but for the relevant M model. The floorplan will be pressed in aluminium. As the core 5er begins to use lightweight materials such as aluminium on the door and bonnet skins, these will transfer over as will an optional Carbon Fibre reinforced roof - A first for an M5 , and a first for a BMW performance sedan.

BMW Active Aerodynamics

First showcased on the GINA Concept Car - A car that was way ahead of it's time and key component in the BMW Efficient Dynamics programme.
In principle to reduce drag and boost downforce and lower fuel consumption. Special Aerodynamic aids that will move automatically incorporated in the front of the car including the outeredge of the wheel arches , front bumpers and within the grille intake. Mini Turbines are incorporated in the grille which convert drag under braking into electricity.

KERS (Kinetic Energy recovery System)

The new M5 will spearhead a radical addition to further reduce consumption. Conceived well within when BMW were still commencing with their F1 Programme. With KERS developed for the F1 car , BMW also created a synergy for an application of such a system to a road car.
Successfully applied to the Road Car division the KERS developed by M division consists of an on-off-on again programme involving
Twin Parallell Supercapacitors between the driveshaft providing 10 sec power boost at the press of a button. The idea is to have stored up the energy and allow the driver to unleash the power on demand. An adaption of this idea will feature in the six cylinder Active Hybrid 5 Concept Car that will be shown in Geneva in March 2010.
Tests carried out within the confines of BMW's private proving grounds are ongoing as the KERS is relatively new tech. The development of the new car remains in status.

The Importance of Character

The V10 in the E60 M5 is truly a work of art. Although a V10 was considered and remains as a possible venture for an additional M model.
The new car inherits the V8 engine found within the BMW X5 and X6 M models. Although BMW stress that the engine will be unique to the M5 with Just under 580 PS.
The V8 although shared with the X5M and X6M is completely individual and unique to the M5. With BMW adapting the engine to suit the M5 and it’s character it’s not a complete transplant. Character in an M5 is essential as is sound. The engine has to synergize with the DKG Transmission and the KERS.
The V8 will in turn be faster and more powerful than the outgoing V10 and sound just as spectacular.
The V8 will also feature cylinder shutdown also to aid fuel consumption with overall figures expected to be between 25-30% better than the E60 M5.

Aswell as a unique engine , The M5 will inherit a Dual clutch transmission which will be unique to the M5, based upon the 7 speeder found within the current M3 , eight Gears will be available and will be equipped with a stop-start control. The DCT will also be operated with steering wheel mounted paddles. The M5 although not at first will also be available with optional Carbon Fibre brakes, currently being trialled.
Customisable driving options will also feature as will a new electronic stability control with torque vectoring and roll control.
Efficient Dynamics features will also be available from the touch of a switch.

Designed for Performance

The M5's secret has always been to remain understated and discreet on the outside , but within lies the beast.
Typical M5 and BMW M aerodynamic features adorn the car. With the new 5er central grille being much larger the central intake size has been diminished , although the brake outlets are larger. Wheel arches are swollen to add some mass on the F10's athletic muscle. A side air intake is placed underneath the character line which climaxes at the wheel arch.
The Side skirts are more sculptured alllowing for good aerodynamics.
At the rear the typical Quad exhausts remain with a sculpted diffuser and central intake. A small bootlid spoiler allows the car to remain understated.
and restrained.

What Comes After?

In addition to the standard luxury performance sedan BMW will offer a more hardcore model in the same vain as the BMW M5 CSL 25th anniversary car. Swapping Luxuries for Performance and being as hardcore as they come. Not available at first but coming on steam eighteen months later. BMW want to expand the M cars by having the core model and something more inclined for enthusiasts.

A Touring model is under consideration.

Just as BMW teased the E60. The F10 BMW M5 will bow as a Production concept at the 2011 Geneva Autoshow with the production model debuting in the early summer before the world premiere at the IAA Frankfurt in 2011. European sales begin at the same time.
BaXRS4 je napisao(la):
Porschefan je napisao(la):
m5 je uvijek bio vrh u toj klasi, pa će vjerojatno i novi bit takav, jedva čekam sredinu 2010. da ga vidim na djelu u punom izdanju, barem na youtube-u :icon_smile:

Netočno, uvijek je na vrhu onaj koji je noviji i aktuelniji, RS6 već dvije godine trži tron, ja sam uvijeren da će ga novi M5 F10 skinuti sa prijestolja, tako to ide i tako to treba da bude, onda će M5 vladati 2 god, dok nedođe novi RS6 i opet sve u krug....

Šta je netočno :icon_question:, pa naravno da nećeš uspoređivat m5 e34 sa novim rs6, i mislio sam na usporedbu aktualnih modela, u određenom razdoblju, tako će i novi m5 kad izađe, biti najbolji. E60 se ionako više ne proizvodi, ali vremena na stazama na testiranju pokazuju da je rs6 (jači 73ks) u prosjeku brži samo sekundu od e60 m5, a to je u stvarnom životu zanemariva razlika


Uostalom, oba su priča za sebe :cool:
Porschefan je napisao(la):
BaXRS4 je napisao(la):
Porschefan je napisao(la):
m5 je uvijek bio vrh u toj klasi, pa će vjerojatno i novi bit takav, jedva čekam sredinu 2010. da ga vidim na djelu u punom izdanju, barem na youtube-u :icon_smile:

Netočno, uvijek je na vrhu onaj koji je noviji i aktuelniji, RS6 već dvije godine trži tron, ja sam uvijeren da će ga novi M5 F10 skinuti sa prijestolja, tako to ide i tako to treba da bude, onda će M5 vladati 2 god, dok nedođe novi RS6 i opet sve u krug....

Šta je netočno :icon_question:, pa naravno da nećeš uspoređivat m5 e34 sa novim rs6, i mislio sam na usporedbu aktualnih modela, u određenom razdoblju, tako će i novi m5 kad izađe, biti najbolji. E60 se ionako više ne proizvodi, ali vremena na stazama na testiranju pokazuju da je rs6 (jači 73ks) u prosjeku brži samo sekundu od e60 m5, a to je u stvarnom životu zanemariva razlika


Uostalom, oba su priča za sebe :cool:

Slabo se razumiješ u vozila, nema veze, ima vremena, naučiš.

Nećemo ovdje praviti off.
A dobro nećemo se svađati , ti sve znaš i gotovo
samo kad bi još naveo neki argument zašto je bolji audi... sigurno zato što je najjači :icon_question:
Ali bolje se vratiti temi
Porschefan je napisao(la):
A dobro nećemo se svađati , ti sve znaš i gotovo
samo kad bi još naveo neki argument zašto je bolji audi... sigurno zato što je najjači :icon_question:
Ali bolje se vratiti temi

Zbog tog sam ti i napisao da se slabo razumiješ, da jesi nebi me to ni pitao. A ako si već uporan koristi tražilicu.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.