P:RF 700s

P:RF 700s

Nije popravljano koliko ja vidim, može se pogledat bez obaveze, radi skroz dobro
Snage ima sigurno više od deklariranog....

Nema endcapsa i znak je "napuko" i nače u dosta dobrom stanju, uglavnom slike stavim kroz koji dan....


# 175 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms
# 350 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms
# 700 watts RMS x 1 at 4 ohms in bridged mode
# stereo or bridged mono output
# Tri-way capable (Tri-Way crossover required)
# 50-210 Hz high-pass/low-pass crossovers, 12 dB/octave
# wired remote control included for fingertip control of Punch Bass (boosts bass 0-18 dB, centered at 45 Hz)
# MOSFET power supply and output devices
# MEHSA mounting technology increases the heat transfer from the MOSFET output devices to the heat sink, for higher power output, lower operating temperatures, and greater reliability
# TOPAZ — noise-killing differential inputs that eliminate 80% of ground loop noise
# Trans•ana circuitry keeps preamp voltages low and signal paths simple for outstanding audio quality
# NOMAD — advanced protection circuitry for "intelligent" shutdown protection
# speaker- and preamp-level inputs
# 8-gauge power and ground connectors
# 60-amp fuse and fuse holder required for installation
# dimensions: 18-3/8"W (14-7/8" without endcaps) x 2-7/16"H x 9-7/8"D


Moguća kombinacija sa SWR1242d, pomoć oko SPL kutije za BA,
rez preko 144db:icon_twisted:

Cijena: 170€, zamjene za svašta nešto
ljudi za brp ovo ide i na 1 ohm bez problema (naravno sa dobrom strujom) ... citao sam negdje nekad na nekom forumu za ove ampove nenormalni su ... RF je booooog :) ... ko ima lovu nece se pozalit na ovaj amp ama bas nikad!!!

drug sori za off nadam se da ne smeta ;) ...