Ford Fiesta Powered by 800+ hp Engine to Run Pikes Peak

Ford Fiesta Powered by 800+ hp Engine to Run Pikes Peak

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Evo ga, dobio sam sada i zvanicnu potvrdu onoga sto sam prije neki dan stavio kao dodatak sa Fiestom R2.


Jeste da je Ford, al brate sto je mocna :D

Ford has announced the new Fiesta will make its American motorsports debut at the Pike's Peak International Hill Climb on July 19.

Two specially modified Fiestas will be entered by Sweden's Olsberg Motor Sport Evolution team, with manger Andreas Eriksson and professional rally driver Marcus Grönholm taking the wheel. They've set an ambitious goal for themselves, they're trying to become the first team to ever complete the 12.4-mile pavement and gravel course in less than 10 minutes.

In order to have a shot a succeeding, the Fiestas have been equipped with a high performance 2.0-liter Duratec engine that produces more than 800 horsepower, we repeat - 800hp. The cars have also been outfitted with all-wheel drive and a unique Rallycross sports suspension which was jointly developed by Olsbergs Motor Sport Evolution, Öhlins, and Ford's team of European RS engineers.

According to Eriksson, "We are excited to be bringing the car to Pike's Peak and to be able to see what it can do in such a unique competition. It's a legendary event, and we've already been there to take a look at the challenge we will face. I'm convinced we'll be a top contender to break the 10-minute mark and give the Fiesta a proper racing debut in the U.S."



duleprof je napisao(la):
2.0-liter Duratec engine that produces more than 800 horsepower, we repeat - 800hp.
Koliko moze kilometara preci prije nego sto motor sagori:icon_confused:

Procitaj kompletan tekst pa mozda nadjes odgovor na pitanje ;)

A da, btw koliko prelaze sva kola koja se prave za Pikes Peak
duleprof je napisao(la):
2.0-liter Duratec engine that produces more than 800 horsepower, we repeat - 800hp.
Koliko moze kilometara preci prije nego sto motor sagori:icon_confused:

Pa brat eniej ovo motor da se vozas po korzu i skupljas curetke...ovo je engine on mission...ispuni za sta je pravljen, i to je to :D
ma kako 800 ks vidi ima 4 sarafa na tockovima , dobro je makar su joj stavili disk nazad :)

vozac erikson , hahahahahha a suvozac sony hahahhahahaha
quattro je napisao(la):
ma kako 800 ks vidi ima 4 sarafa na tockovima , dobro je makar su joj stavili disk nazad :)

vozac erikson , hahahahahha a suvozac sony hahahhahahaha

Prifati se pive i ozdriblaj :lol:
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