Diler prodao kupcu NOV Dacia Duster ali ostecen

Diler prodao kupcu NOV Dacia Duster ali ostecen

Prije par dana se na forumu povela diskusija, oko hrdze na kolima i onda smo dosli do toga da se prodaju kola koja su nova i ostecena ali nova.

Evo jedan primjer toga, kako se nova kola koja su ostecena prodaju. 661488377613482237.jpg 914855549470761217.jpg 1007182540145207880.jpg 13294939632071562067 (1).jpg 13294939632071562067.jpg 14121773481602149148.jpg 3737719191828032745.jpg
Jbga, nemojte mi zamjerit fakat mi mrsko prevodit, pa evo C/P teksta na engleskom

Paint shade difference is more than obvious
A Renault dealer in Kailash Colony, Delhi had to audacity to sell "as new" a poorly repainted Duster.

Approximately three weeks ago Team-BHPforum user "Kshitizag" purchased what he believed was a brand new Renault Duster 110ps RXL Adventure. Before taking delivery, his father noticed some "roughness" around the fuel lid and rear door and showed it to the dealer representative who explained that was the leftover glue after taking off the protective film.

Refusing to take delivery, the customer contacted the sales manager and after about 20 minutes the problem was resolved by applying a rubber compound. He then agreed to take delivery of the Renault Duster but it eventually proved to be a big mistake as upon closer inspection under better lighting conditions he noticed a huge difference in the paint shade of the rear right door compared to the rest of the car.

He returned to the dealer pointing out the obvious problem and in response they offered a "free" teflon coating and a door replacement. The dispute still hasn't been solved because the dealer refuses to provide a new car while the customer - for legitimate reasons - doesn't want to accept the so-called offer.

Source: team-bhp.com
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